A short game about a Slug avoiding salt and eating mushrooms.

You play as a slug stuck in a salt circle that must eat as many mushrooms as possible without touching the salt (more salt is added as time goes on).
The slug is constantly moving forward and can only be controlled by turning left and right using the arrow keys.

Extra Information:
This game was made in under 3 hours for 2 Game Jams:
Mini Jam: 156: Mushroom (Theme: Mushroom, Limitation: Stuck in a loop)
Trijam#265: The 3 hour game jam (Theme: Micro world)

The game was created in under 3 hours and attempts to implement the above themes and limitations of both jams.
The player is stuck in a salt circle/loop (Stuck in a loop Limitation) and must eat mushrooms (Mushroom Theme).
The game is set in a tiny environment as the player avoids salt particles (Micro World Theme)

oleekconder (Grass Background from Stylized Nature Textures) (Background Music: 03 - Mushrooms) (Multiple Sound effects)
Leonardo.AI (AI Generated images (slug/salt/wood) manually edited after generation)

Published 15 days ago
Tags2D, Arcade, nature, Short